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Our Faq
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) are a list of common questions and their answers related to, WordPress is designed to provide quick and accessible information to users.

You can use our search tool to quickly check the availability of your desired name. Simply enter the name, and we’ll show you whether it’s available along with alternative suggestions.
Yes! You can transfer your existing name to Host My Code easily. Our team provides step-by-step guidance to ensure a smooth transition without any downtime.
We offer a wide range of extensions, including popular options like .com, .net, .org, and country-specific extensions such as .uk and .ca, as well as newer options like .online or .store.
Absolutely! We provide privacy protection to keep your personal information safe from being publicly visible in the WHOIS database.
Yes, our platform allows you to manage multiple domains from a single account. You can easily update DNS settings, renew , or transfer them, all in one place.